About Us
What is Anarchie Ltd.
Want to know who we are and how we work, we'll show you.

What We Do

Who We Are

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Hi, my name is Dallas and I put together this website for my company Anarchie Ltd. Thanks for stopping by!
I was born and raised in San Diego, California, where I grew up living a laid back easy-going lifestyle that is so typical of Southern California. My father owned a jewelry store for a while where I started working after school. I grew up in that service department learning everything about watches, from the basics of quartz movements to the high-end mechanical complications of perpetual calendars and tourbillons.
All through life, the process of figuring out how to build things has fascinated me. Taking that knowledge and turning out a final product that I can hold in my hands is something that has also come to define me as a person. Being in and around the watch & jewelry industry for 25 years now, I have always had a vision to design & build the perfect watch for an everyday active lifestyle. A watch that is dependable, elegantly simple, and actually affordable.
Anarchie is a brand concept I started working on after the birth of my son, Archie in 2009. I just wanted to build cool shit for people to enjoy! I’ve been associated with many brands, companies and industries over the years. Last year I decided to dedicate some time and creative energy into taking that original brand concept and making it a reality.
To keep our products affordable for the consumer I have have chosen to do business using a different playbook. While most companies work towards high margins to account for all the different hands a product has to pass through before reaching the final customer, I’ve decided to change things up and simply work towards producing our products direct and at the best prices possible, passing the reduction of costs directly down to to you, the consumer.
By implementing strategies to ensure that things are a little bit better for each hand involved in the process, including the planet. I hope to model better business practices for my kids, that are kinder, less selfish, and always looking to improve the environment around us.
I hope you enjoy my products as much as I enjoy building them.